What an appointment can look like:

This depends a bit on whether we manage to see each other in person, or whether we are having a Skype consultation.

If we meet in person, I will ask a whole bunch of questions to properly understand your case. And yes, we homoeopaths are a weird crowd and actually want to know you about your bowel movements ;) I might even test you with my bioresonance machine (EAV-Testing). Then you really can’t hide anything! If you want to improve your diet or you’d like to know which supplements might improve your health, Agnetha is more than happy to advise you.

If your child or you are vaccine damaged, I’m going to apply the CEASE-method to try and reverse the damage. Same goes for any unwanted side-effects of drugs of any kind (no matter how old you are).

If you’d like to know more about the mineral content in your body, we can do a Hair Mineral Analysis (HMA). We just need a little bunch of your hair and a few weeks later we know which minerals and trace elements you are lacking (way more than you thought probalby) and which minerals you have too much of in your body (e.g. aluminium, mercury, lead, etc).

Apart from that, you’ll obvioulsy get well chosen homoeopathic remedies at the end, which will bring you one step closer to health.

How to make an appointment:

Please email me or send me a WhatsApp message to +49 (0) 176 21959389.

We’ll then arrange a Skype appointment that suits both of us.